Tuesday, January 12, 2010

So many choices . . . Where shall we go next

So, it is about that time. Back into the insanity of work and feeling as though Christmas vacation was too long ago; the weather is beautiful out right now in Calgary causing me to gaze out the window longingly wishing that rather than creating road maps and project charters I was going for long walks and trying out my new camera; I know this weather will not stay and so I feel the itch in my britches to put a travel plan in place that will allow me to escape the winter blues.

This rambling leads me to the real heart of this post - now where?

  • San Diego is promising weather in the mid 20's and everyone tells me it is more fantastic than San Francisco and I don't know how that could be possible
  • Las Vegas is always a guaranteed good time when you are traveling with fantastic friends
  • Do we save our money and our vacation days to head somewhere South or will new babies be ready to travel in September?
Hmmmmmm What to do, what to do??!!

But this is one of the most exciting parts of traveling - the dreaming . . . tonight I think I shall dream about a delicious meal in San Diego and tomorrow, well tomorrow's dream will be snorkeling in clear warm ocean water seeing the beauty of the floor below!

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